Due to rain, the Annual Picnic By The Pond has been cancelled.


Home1smallIt was the fall of 2008 and the air was beginning to chill here in Shelby, North Carolina. The days of wind in your hair were coming to an end as convertible tops and side curtains went on. It was about this time that a small group came together to discuss the possibility of an organized club. Over the next couple of months a list was made of those who may have an interest in European automobiles. Surprisingly, the list grew beyond our wildest expectations and the decision was made to call a meeting to see just how serious people really were. Everyone on the list showed up!

After steering committees, by-laws, and planning sessions we are now a bona fide car club. It was decided that we would be a very open club–not favoring any particular marque nor year. Motorcycles are also welcome. Therefore, we have Austins, Volvos, and everything in between. We have cars that have been restored, cars that have never been restored, cars to drive, and cars to show. We have cars that have been in the family since new and cars that think they are part of the family.

Car ownership, however, is not a requirement. All one must have is an interest in the sporting cars of Europe, whether vintage or contemporary.

Home2smallOur meetings once a month give us an opportunity to visit with friends and talk cars. Often we have a guest speaker,  a short rally, or just spend time getting to know one another.

We are a young club. At present we are 85 members strong with over 75 European cars. So if you love sporting automobiles, come join us. We would love to have you.